DVACO Patient-Centric Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy Strategy (CORTs)
Traditional Outpatient Rehab Therapy
- What is it: Rehabilitative therapy (PT, OT, ST) provided in an outpatient clinic/facility.
- Who would benefit: Patients with reliable transportation who have a musculoskeletal (MSK) impairment and require hands-on, more intensive strengthening/balance activities, and/or modalities/equipment.
- Who to use: In-network therapy providers who have demonstrated cost-effective outcomes.
Virtual Rehab Therapy with Interdisciplinary Care Team
- What is it: A digital program using an interdisciplinary care team comprised of Virtual PT, Health Coaching, Patient Education and Patient Reported Outcome Measures to conservatively treat MSK.
- Who would benefit: Patients who may have difficulty accessing an outpatient facility or would prefer a virtual option that includes complementary health coaching and educational videos. Must have, and be comfortable using, a device that can connect to the web (no home internet necessary). Patients should not have any red-flag symptoms that may require further diagnostic work-up.
- Who to use: Protera Health. For more info scan the QR code or visit Protera Health. Referrals can be faxed to 855-850-4055 or emailed to care@proterahealth.com

In-Home Rehabilitative Therapy
- What is it: Rehabilitative Therapy provided in the home to address all comprehensive needs – safety, falls, balance, pain, environmental modification, deconditioning, medication management, etc.
- Who would benefit: Patients for whom an in-home assessment would be beneficial and/or would have difficulty accessing an outpatient facility or virtual care, i.e. patients experiencing frailty. Patient is not required to be homebound to receive in-home therapy.
- Who to use: Full Range Health Services, Dynamic Home Therapy, Luna, Powerback to You. For referral info, scan the QR code or visit DVACO Preferred Providers

Need more information or help connecting your patients with community resources and/or services?
Please contact the DVACO BATT Phone at 215-486-1050 or email carecoordrefer@dvaco.org.
This easy-to-use, confidential & secure careline is available to quickly assist you and your patients.