Who We Are
DVACO is as a joint venture among three stakeholders: Humana, Inc., Main Line Health System and Jefferson Health System.
Delaware Valley Accountable Care Organization (DVACO) is a family of companies comprised of DVACO-2, LLC, which serves as the parent company of an additional enterprise: Accountable Care Organization of Pennsylvania, LLC (“ACOPA”).
Through ACOPA, DVACO participates in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Medicare Shared Savings Program (“MSSP”). The MSSP ACO is identified by CMS as ACO A2024.
DVACO’s MSSP participation accounts for the region’s largest Medicare ACO grouping, with more than 2,000 physicians and approximately 90,000 Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Additionally, DVACO currently holds performance-based contracts with private payers and manages population health initiatives for the employees and dependents of Jefferson Health and Main Line Health, enhancing DVACO’s total number of beneficiaries to over 250,000.
Our Mission:
Be part of the solution.
Inspired by the innovative spirit of our stakeholder organizations,
the DVACO accelerates the successful transformation to high quality value-based care in the region.
Our Values
- Safety – Deliver care that is free of harm or injury
- Communication – Seek and share information through meaningful engagement
- Compassion – Be present and caring
- Diversity, Respect, Equity and Inclusion – Commit to advancing an environment of cultural competence and universal respect
- Excellence – Set and achieve high standards
- Innovation – Discover better solutions every day and embrace change
- Integrity – Do the right thing
- Teamwork and Systemness – Work together to achieve common goals
Quality Measurements
What we do
DVACO’ s primary focus is outlined by the three-part aim:
- Improve the Health of our Patient Population
- Improve our Patients’ Experiences
- Reduce the per-capita Cost of Care delivered to our Population
These goals are achieved through enhanced coordination of patient care and by dedication to quality improvement initiatives that increase the efficiency of care delivery within the outpatient setting.
Care Coordination and Practice Transformation
DVACO’s care coordination team works with patients in collaboration with their primary care providers, specialists, hospital-based care managers, practice-based care coordinators, and a multitude of agencies, in an effort to reduce fragmentation of patients’ care. Improving patient care requires utilizing experienced care coordinators who are primarily registered nurses or social workers, along with standardized processes for identifying patients within the population who are most likely to benefit from enhanced care coordination. Our care coordinators complement existing care coordinators within the health systems’ employed practices or other ambulatory settings. Our goal is to serve as an extension of the primary care providers’ staff. DVACO also helps monitor the patient’s transition of care from hospital to nursing home or home health, as well as to and from the patient’s own home setting. This includes evaluation of access and adherence to prescribed medications, scheduling of follow-up appointments, and assessment of patient barriers to recovery. Our care coordinators then develop a care plan with the patient and primary care provider to help track the identified problems, goals and interventions. DVACO’s Practice Transformation Team works closely with physician practices to help them smoothly transition from a fee-for-service reimbursement model towards a fee-for-value model, in which more of the practice revenue is based upon quality and outcome metrics. Practice Transformation Coaches work with practices to redesign traditional workflows and processes to address gaps in care and to facilitate a more proactive approach to population management. The team also provides support to practices that are working toward achieving PCMH recognition and helps educate practices on the importance of EHR optimization, HCC coding, quality reporting (GPRO), and Medicare preventative visits.
What is an ACO?
An Accountable Care Organization (ACO) refers to a group of providers and suppliers of services (e.g. hospitals, physicians and others involved in patient care) that work together to coordinate care for a defined population of patients (e.g. Medicare beneficiaries) with the goal of meeting or exceeding quality performance standards while also reducing the rate of growth in healthcare costs.
Our Network
Our network includes hospitals and primary care physicians that are both employed and affiliated with Main Line Health, and Jefferson Health.
Contact Information
Phone 215-618-4450
Toll Free Number 855-761-9345
Compliance Line 215-486-1040
Email dvaco-mail@dvaco.org
Business Hours 9-5pm