Virginia (Ginna) Bodycot, BSN, RN
Director of Quality Improvement
Virginia (Ginna) Bodycot has a diverse healthcare background beginning with several years of direct care and senior management experience in both the hospital and community health settings. After transitioning to her first managed care position, she found a passion for quality improvement after reading Donald Berwick’s book, Curing Healthcare, which reported on the National Demonstration Project on Quality Improvement in Health Care. The catalyst for her own personal pursuit and eventual leadership in quality improvement began with education from Dr. Berwick at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Ginna has since provided quality improvement leadership both locally and nationally beginning with her role was as the Director of Quality Management and Provider Relations in both Pennsylvania and Delaware while at Delaware Valley HMO (now AmeriHealth). She subsequently accepted the challenge to begin Credentialing Connection, a for-profit Credentials Verification Organization (CVO) owned by the Medical Society of Delaware. Ginna then accepted the opportunity to become the Director of Quality Management and Improvement for Crozer-Keystone Health Network, where she successfully led their full complement of quality activities for over fifteen years. She then accepted an opportunity to move back into the managed care arena as the Director of Quality Management for Delaware Physicians Care, Aetna’s Delaware Medicaid plan which had 140,000 enrolled lives. She successfully led their quality activities including successful HEDIS annual submissions for NCQA accreditation, member experience activities and the development of their pay for performance program. She then joined Aetna’s national quality team where she led Medicaid quality improvement initiatives. Currently, Ginna is the Director of Quality Improvement for Delaware Valley ACO where she is successfully leading change through innovation for their quality improvement department.
Ginna earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Neumann University in Aston, PA.
A native Delawarean, Ginna still lives in Newark, Delaware with her family, and they enjoy spending time together in Rehoboth Beach Delaware whenever possible.